Wash and peel the cucumbers, cut them in half lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with a teaspoon. Cut cucumber into pieces. Peel and chop the onion. Clean, wash and chop the bell pepper.
Wash the borage, dab dry and, except for a few leaves for garnishing, cut into fine strips. Sauté onion in hot oil, add cucumber pieces and half of the borage, braise briefly and deglaze with broth.
Cover and simmer for about 15 minutes, puree with a chopping stick. Add roux while stirring, bring to the boil again and refine with sour cream. Season soup with salt, pepper and a little herb vinegar.
Wash the sprouts, drain well on a sieve. Arrange in deep plates and serve sprinkled and garnished with sprouts, paprika cubes and remaining borage.