Crush the toast bread in the blender. Whisk the egg and season with salt and pepper. Halve chicken lengthwise, wash and pat dry. Turn half chickens first in flour, then in whisked egg and breadcrumbs. Heat the frying fat in a large pan and cook the chicken for about 20 minutes.
Reduce the temperature slightly. Place the chips on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven (electric range: 225 ° C/ gas: level 4) for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Clean, wash and slice the cucumber and tomatoes. Wash lettuce leaves and pluck into bite-sized pieces. Mix oil, vinegar and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper. Mix the salad ingredients with the vinaigrette. Remove the chicken from the fat with a skimmer and drain on kitchen paper. Arrange on a plate with the salad and chips.
Mix oil, vinegar and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper. Mix the salad ingredients with the vinaigrette. Remove the chicken from the fat with a skimmer and drain on kitchen paper. Arrange on a plate with the salad and chips. Serve with hot ketchup and mayonnaise