Wash the meat, dab dry and season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the fillets for about 8 minutes, turning them over. In the meantime clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices. Remove the fillets from the pan and let them cool down. Peel the orange so that the white skin is completely removed.
Remove the fillets from the parting skins. Squeeze the juice out of the parting skins and collect. Mix 3 tablespoons orange juice, salad cream, yoghurt and ketchup. Stir in green pepper and season to taste with salt and cayenne pepper. Cut the chicken fillets into slices and mix them with the mushrooms and orange fillets into the sauce. Leave to stand for about 20 minutes. In the meantime clean and wash the salad and drain well. Wash the chives, dab dry and cut into small rolls. Line 4 cocktail bowls with salad and spread the chicken salad on top.
Leave to stand for about 20 minutes. In the meantime clean and wash the salad and drain well. Wash the chives, dab dry and cut into small rolls. Line 4 cocktail bowls with salad and spread the chicken salad on top. Serve sprinkled with chives and cayenne pepper. Serve with warm toast bread