Preheat oven (electric cooker: 200°C/circulating air: 175°C/gas: level 3). Line a tray with baking paper. Wash apples and remove the core with a cookie cutter. Cut apples into slices and lay them overlapping to 4 circles on the tray.
Wash the rosemary and shake dry. Break 2 twigs into pieces and place 1 camembert on each apple. Drizzle with honey. Bake in a hot oven for 15-18 minutes.
Pluck the needles from the remaining rosemary and chop very finely. Wash and halve the grapes. For the vinaigrette, mix vinegar, 1-2 teaspoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper, fold in oil.
Stir in the chopped rosemary.
Clean and wash the salad and tear it into pieces. Mix with the grapes and vinaigrette. Arrange everything. Serve with baguette.