Balsamic Sprouts With Turkey Strips
Sweet Mirabelle Plum Bruschetta
Potato Filet Gratin
Buttermilk Waffles With Lemon Yoghurt And Fruit Salad
Kohlrabi- Chervil Soup
Chocolate Pancakes With Quark Raspberry Filling And Raspberry Puree
Sweet Potato Salad With Breaded Goat Cheese And Walnut And Apple Sambal
Lentil Salad With Stremel Salmon
Pasta Salad With Mandarins And Ham
Peach Pancakes With Raspberries (diabetics)
Green Summer Salad
Italian Ricotta Spinach Quiche
Hearty Spelt Pancake Lasagne With Spinach And Mushroom Filling
Hawaii Burger
Sausage Salad With Pretzel Croutons
Tomato Pesto Gugelhupf
Watercress Soup With Ham Chips
Wheat Seedling Salad With Yoghurt Sauce (diabetics)
Tomato Tart With Gorgonzola Cream
Veggi Bean Burger
Gözleme (Turkish Flat Cakes)
Potato Salad With Wild Garlic Mayonnaise
Salad Plate With Turkey Strips (diabetics)
Coloured Salad
Curry-leek Soup With Chicken
Pumpkin Mince Quiche With Sheep Cheese Cream
Nectarine Quark Casserole
Mussel Noodles With Chopped Sauce
Pumpkin & Pear Soup
Vegetable Strudel With Cress Béchamel
Poree-Hack-Pan With Button