Wash the lettuce and drain. Wash tomatoes, dab dry, cut in half. Peel, wash and chop the potatoes. Steam potatoes in approx. 150 ml water for approx. 15 minutes until soft
Cut ham slices into 5-6 pieces each. Whisk egg and milk. Dust the ham with flour in a bowl, swing it through, put it on a sieve, tap it, put it back into the bowl. Add egg mixture, mix. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan. Turn the ham pieces one by one in the breadcrumbs, press them on a little and fry them in portions in hot fat until brown
Drain potato water, except for approx. 75 ml. Mash potatoes with a fork at the edge of the pot. Mix potatoes and vinegar, season with salt, pepper and sugar. Fold in 4 tablespoons of oil. Mix salad and tomatoes with vinaigrette, season again, arrange on plates with crusts