Bread salad with paprika-pesto dressing

Diane Archer
4 4
40 mins
40 mins


Servings: 4
  • 1 red pepper (approx. 250 g)
  • 6 TABLESPOONS Olive oil
  • 25 g chopped almonds
  • 1 red chilli pepper
  • 1 Garlic clove
  • 7-10 Tbsp Salt
  • 7-10 Tbsp Pepper
  • 300 g Ciabatta bread
  • 250 g cherry tomatoes
  • 250 g Romaine lettuce hearts
  • 150 Spring onions
  • 125 g Parma ham
  • 5 TABLESPOONS Vegetable broth
  • baking paper


  1. 1

    For the pesto, cut the peppers in half and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Roast in a preheated oven (electric cooker: 250 °C/ circulating air: 225 °C/ gas: level 5) for approx. 5 minutes until the skin turns black and blisters.

  2. 2

    Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan and roast the almonds for about 4 minutes, turning them over. Remove the peppers from the oven and cover with damp kitchen paper. Wash, clean and roughly dice the chillies. Peel garlic.

  3. 3

    Remove the pepper skin. Clean the peppers and dice them coarsely. Finely puree garlic, chilli, almonds, 3 tbsp. oil and paprika in a universal chopper. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Cut bread into thin slices, place on a baking tray and spread a thin layer of 2 tbsp. oil.

  4. 4

    Roast in the preheated oven (electric cooker: 200 °C/ circulating air: 175 °C/ gas: level 3) for approx. 5 minutes. Wash and halve the tomatoes. Clean, wash and spin dry lettuce and cut leaves into wide strips.

  5. 5

    Clean and wash spring onions and cut into thin rings. Roughly tear ham slices. For the salad dressing, mix half of the pesto and stock. Arrange bread, salad, tomatoes, spring onions and ham.

  6. 6

    Drizzle with salad dressing. Use the rest of the pesto for other purposes (can be kept in the refrigerator for several days).

Nutrition Facts

430 kcal
47 g
18 g
13 g

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